Saturday, February 25, 2012

Race Four...

                                Me, Myself and I
The great Escape From Folsom!  I read an article in the magazine Runner's World, "This Is The Year I Will..."  and it discusses various goals to set for yourself and how to keep them.  One of the tips was to Win A Medal.  The author talked about how nice finisher t-shirts are but to keep yourself motivated, you need to win a medal!  He recommend that you enter smaller races (that aren't well publicized) with smaller age divisions to increase your odds of winning.  I really didn't pay much attention to this advise, cause remember my first blog, how I talked about me "winning" a way no how, well, that was my mentality at the beginning of the race.

However, this race was a new race this year and very few people were entered to run, AND even fewer runners were at the start line for the 5K, hmmm looking pretty good odds to me.  The count down begins, and we are off on our little race (I even went as far as to kinda start towards the front of the pack, I was really feeling bold).  I was cruising along enjoying my run, once again, it was at Folsom Lake, great view, running through the trees, on the trail, up and down little hills, over the rocks, a very cool crisp morning.  I started thinking to myself, "self, I really did not see any women that looked to be over 50 but younger than 59," hmmmm.  I must be at mile one by now, and my little grey cells are starting to kick in, "hey, what if I actually have a chance of placing in this race?"  A little smile starts to form, "wow, how exciting would that be if I placed, even Third Place would be cool."  Wait a minute, "why stop at Third Place, why not First Place!"  I'm really warming up to the idea that I could come in First Place!  By mile two I have now convinced myself that I am the only runner over 50 and will take this race!

I now start to write my blog in my head.  That smile is now getting bigger and bigger.  I start to giggle to myself, (thank goodness I am slow and no one was around me, just the trees) can this really happen?  "Just think, I'll tell everyone how I came in First Place, have someone take my picture up on the platform."  I feel like I'm running on air at this point, mile 3 coming up, I can hear the loud speaker at the finish line.  First Place, I don't need to tell everyone that I was the only runner in my age group, nah, that's just the fine print, the messy details, no one wants to hear those boring stats, right!?!  There it is, the finish line, I can now see it through the trees, up one more small hill and round the corner, I now "sprint" (another one of those loose terms) across the finish line.  Yeah!!!  Boy that felt great!  Now the moment of truth, did I place?  I don't want to be obvious or anything, so I stretch a little, get a drink, walk around a bit.  I can't handle the suspense anymore, as I make my way to the table with the official times, I see a volunteer posting the new times.  Yes, I can really feel it now, I casually glance down at my age bracket....WHAT THE...FIFTH PLACE!  OMG, I was laughing so hard I had to walk back to my car and compose myself.  I had so much fun imaging winning first place, that it got me through my run.  I debated on the drive home if I should share my silliness but it does make for a pretty funny story, so I hope this makes you laugh!

In all honesty, Fifth is still good (ok, fine print, there were only eight of us in the old lady group).  Again, any run at Folsom Lake is really nice, I will give this race 4 out of 5 shoes.  Next up is the Getty Owl Race on Sunday.  I will be racing with Victor, Stephanie and their adorable daughter Quinn.  See you on the trail.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a great run. I think your mental posting of your run was great. Such optimisim. You go girl! Lucinda
