Saturday, January 28, 2012

All Aboard...

OMG, the crazy train is definitely gaining speed, everyone off the tracks, I'm coming through!  It's funny, you come up with an idea and it "sounds" good in your head, so you kinda go with it.  But once it is spoken, written, or just "out there", you start to realize the enormity of your idea.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still on board, even have my ticket punched by the conductor, but it's just plain craziness.  What's even more crazy is that I don't want to abort my mission!

I do want to say thank you to everyone who is waving to me at the train station as I leave.  I am especially excited by the fact that several of you have boarded the train with me to run in a few of my races!  A big shout out to Genaro and Lindie for joining me on my birthday (and inaugural run) on February 4th.  It is nice to know that your friends will support you, no matter how crazy you just might be!  I guess you can say that is a mark of true friendship, so I want to say thanks again to ALL my friends who are boarding and waving to me on my crazy train.  Don't forget to laugh all you want, because after all, if you can't laugh at yourself then what can you laugh at...oh yeah, me, the Crazy Lady!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

All In The Name of A Goal

Well, I have just spent the last four hours attempting to set up a blog for a goal of mine.  I wish to run 50 races during my 50th birthday year.  Come to find out, setting up this blog is turning out to be more work than the training I am doing for my races!

I use the term "race" very loosely, it is more of an event than a race.  A race implies I might have a chance of winning, not gonna happen, no way no how.  When I use the term "run", well, it's more of a slightly faster walk, or as my 18 year old son puts it, "Is this how fast you can run mom, cause for me, I'm just walking."  Yeah yeah yeah, everybody's a comedian, don't make me pull this car over.

So here is the "plan" (another loose term), starting on my birthday, February 4th, I will "run" 50 "races" and conclude the last race on February 3, 2013!  So by my quick calculations, that's about one race a week for a year.  The races will consist of various distances, 5K, 10K, even a 1/2 marathon-already schuduled for March 11 (The Shamrockin') and perhaps if all is going well a marathon or two!